Big Questions Cafe – 27th April 6pm with free food

Big questions cafe a friendly, fun gathering at Jesmond URC where we first share a meal and get to know others around our table. Then, just after we get pudding, we hear a 15-20 minute presentation addressing one of the big questions facing our lives and community. We’re then invited to discuss a series of questions arising from the presentation around our tables, digging deeper. There’s opportunities to engage with the speaker as well.

Our food will be a full dinner from Magic Hat Café, a social enterprise not only tackling food waste in Newcastle, but creatively transforming that food into something delicious! The cafe and the food is free, but we gratefully accept donations. Please book your seat and food at Big questions cafe so we can best meet dietary needs!

The cafe and the questions:

27th April at 6pm : Can Jesmond respond to the cost of living crisis?

Speaker is Sara Bryson, Tyne & Wear Citizens 

25th May at 6pm : Can we re-weave the fabric of our communities?

Speaker is Tim Evans, Nurture Development