Redevelopment of the building was completed March 2015, a new glazed entrance draws the eye in to see that within our church building. There is light where once many who walked by saw no more than a dark, foreboding edifice. Hopefully, they will also see some life within, too, or perhaps rest a while within the new landscaping that invites people to come in and sit. Our Community Garden, too, adjoining Haldane House, is now a quiet haven for neighbours and others who do not enjoy garden spaces of their own.
Our premises have been transformed! Instead of climbing steps up to what once was the main entrance a new one has been created with a ramp allowing wheelchair users to come in using the same route as everyone else. We are grateful to and to Northern Synod Trust, Garfield Weston Trust Fund and the Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust for their generous grants but it has to be said those who gave and raised the greater amount were members of Jesmond URC themselves.