“I am Mark” – 4th November

Come along to The Greatest Show on Earth (literally) – I AM MARK, a daring new word for word dramatisation of The Gospel of Mark at Jesmond United Reformed Church, Burdon Terrace, Jesmond NE2 3AE, 4th November, 6.30pm for 7.10pm. Archbishop Rowan Williams says it’s like “hearing the Bible for the first time.” Experience the very word of God coming to life before your eyes in all its raw power. Marvel at the extraordinary richness of this ancient form of storytelling which is as relevant and revolutionary today as it ever was. And don’t keep it to yourself: bring your friends and family along as well!

Free wine, fruit, and cheese reception at 6.30pm. Performance at 7.10pm. Tickets free in advance. 

Reserve your tickets through eventbrite by clicking here

More details of the production can be found here.