Worship is Essential for growing as disciples is meeting together for worship, so our Sunday morning services which start at 10.45am, are planned with the needs of people of all ages in mind. We gather together to give praise and glory to God and to listen for his word to us. We use music in a variety of styles to give expression to our prayers and praise. We are recording some services and these will be available on this page.
Sunday Services
23 March Revd Dr Peter Knibbs
30 March Revd Bryan Vernon
6 April Mr Gordon Wanless
Palm Sunday, 13 April at Jesmond URC
- 10.45am Palm Sunday Service, Revd Ryan Sirmons
- 6.30pm Passiontide Service
Holy Tuesday, 15 April at Jesmond URC
- 6pm Taizé Service (rehearsal at 5pm)
Maundy Thursday, 17 April at St Andrew’s, Kenton
- 7.15pm Tenebrae Service
Good Friday, 18 April at St James’s
- 3pm Good Friday Service
Easter Day, 20 April at Jesmond URC
- 10.45am Easter Day Communion Service, Revd Peter Moth